
7 Reasons for America’s Moral Mess

As I was making my way through the produce section at our local grocery store this week, I noticed a young boy, not 10 years old pick up an apple from the stocked shelves and bite into it. I waited to see his mother’s reaction, expecting him to be reprimanded. Instead, she advised him in […]


Cutting the Discipleship Cord: Mastering the Art of Sending

Cutting the discipleship cord is an act of sending and sending is a distinguishing component of effective discipleship.

Book Reviews

The Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions Book Review

You may have heard it said, “We are all missionaries, whether nationally or internationally.” While all of us have indeed been commissioned to participate in reaching our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth in some way, Don Dent carefully examines the specific and unique role of “missionary apostles” in The Ongoing Role […]


The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth.

Secularly speaking, no greater weapon has surfaced on earth than the pen. Nevertheless, a pen left unused is as useful as a soldier who comes to battle without his sword. For the last decade I have lived and ministered in a closed country, one that is resistant to the gospel and unwelcoming to anyone who […]